Wilton Consultancy Ltd. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy & Counselling
in London Victoria and Westminster

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make contact?


You will be offered an initial consultation where you can confidentially explore, with the therapist, whether psychotherapy or counselling can be of help to you.

Practicalities such as fees, regularity and time of future sessions will also be arranged at this meeting.

To speak to a therapist or make an appointment for an initial consultation, please call or email below:


Helen Straupmanis (Psychotherapist)
Mobile: 07957 460 708
Email: straupmanis@btinternet.com

Richard Gill (Psychotherapist)
Mobile: 07717 538529

David John Kenrick (Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist)
Mobile: 07939 649 356
Email: djkenrick@btinternet.com

Other administrative contact: General query for Wilton Consultancy, please email djkenrick@btinternet.com.

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